DEF globalKeyBindings { restart : keypress = R & Control_L & Alt_L, PreviousTask : KeyPress = Tab & Alt_L, {aterm} : KeyPress = X & Control_L & Alt_L, # little script that SIGTERMs my infinite mpg321 loop, to skip to next song {/home/death/scripts/} : KeyPress = N & Control_L & Alt_L, # Alt+middle drags the desktop around - very cool! not too useful though.. StartViewportMove : ButtonPress = Button2 & Alt_L & Control_L, EndMoveResize : ButtonRelease = Button2 & MoveResizeMask, # viewport L/R/U/D ViewportRelativeMove(+W+0) : KeyPress = Right & Control_L & !Alt_L, ViewportRelativeMove(-W+0) : KeyPress = Left & Control_L & !Alt_L, ViewportRelativeMove(+0-H) : KeyPress = Up & Control_L & !Alt_L, ViewportRelativeMove(+0+H) : KeyPress = Down & Control_L & !Alt_L, # ctrl alt click takes me to mozilla, ctrl alt right click takes me to irc ViewportFixedMove(+0+0) : ButtonPress = Button1 & Alt_L & Control_L, ViewportFixedMove(+1024+0) : ButtonPress = Button3 & Alt_L & Control_L, # grid of keys corresponding to 3x3 viewports # U I O # J K L # M , . # (with ctrl+alt) ViewportFixedMove(+0+0) : KeyPress = U & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+1024+0) : KeyPress = I & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+2048+0) : KeyPress = O & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+0+768) : KeyPress = J & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+1024+768) : KeyPress = K & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+2048+768) : KeyPress = L & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+0+1536) : KeyPress = M & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+1024+1536): KeyPress = comma & Control_L & Alt_L, ViewportFixedMove(+2048+1536): KeyPress = period & Control_L & Alt_L } DEF defaultAllWindows { globalKeyBindings, #alt+drag moves window, alt+right drag resizes StartOpaqueMove : ButtonPress = Button1 & Alt_L & !Control_L, StartResizeRight : ButtonPress = Button3 & Alt_L & !Control_L, EndMoveResize : ButtonRelease = Button1 & MoveResizeMask, EndMoveResize : ButtonRelease = Button3 & MoveResizeMask, #turn off the dumb handlebar, raise * focus new windows DecorHandleOff : MapRequest, Raise : MapRequest, Focus : MapRequest, #alt+wheel back to raise, alt+wheel forward to lower. #windows do NOT raise on click or hover. i hate that :) Raise : ButtonPress = Button5 & Alt_L, Lower : ButtonPress = Button4 & Alt_L, DecorTitleToggle : KeyPress = E & Control_L & Alt_L, #alt+middle click closes a window, ctrl+double click maximizes Close : ButtonPress = Button2 & Alt_L & !Control_L, ToggleMaximize : DoubleClick = Button1 & !Alt_L & Control_L, #ctrl alt return closess window Close : KeyPress = Return & Control_L & Alt_L, } DEF defaultAllDecor { defaultAllWindows, } DEF defaultAllTitle { defaultAllDecor, #same wheel mouse raise/lowering, but let us do it w/o alt on titlebars Raise : ButtonPress = Button5 & !Alt_L, Lower : ButtonPress = Button4 & !Alt_L, #right click makes the menu pop up.. MenuRemap(window) : ButtonPress = Button3 & !Alt_L, #middle or left clicking anywhere on the titlebar makes menu go away MenuUnmap(window) : ButtonPress = Button1 & !Alt_L, MenuUnmap(window) : ButtonPress = Button2 & !Alt_L #double click to shade, drag w/ titlebar as anyone would expect ToggleShade : DoubleClick = Button1 & !Alt_L, StartopaqueMove : ButtonPress = Button1 & !Alt_L, EndMoveResize : ButtonRelease = Button1 & !Alt_L } window.frame { defaultAllDecor, #sloppy focus, focus the window when the mouse goes over it Focus : EnterNotify, } window.title { defaultAllTitle } window.label { defaultAllTitle } window.handle { defaultAllDecor } window.button0 { defaultAllWindows, Close : ButtonRelease = Button1 } window.button1 { defaultAllWindows, ToggleMaximize : ButtonRelease = Button1 } window.passiveclient { defaultAllWindows, } window.activeclient { defaultAllWindows, } DEF rootbindings { globalKeyBindings, #menu on right click of course.. MenuRemap(rootmenu) : ButtonPress = Button3 & !Alt_L & !Control_L, {aterm} : DoubleClick = Button1 & !Alt_L, } root { rootbindings } #edges - surf around viewports with alt held down, or click at an edge to flip. westedge { rootbindings, ViewportLeft : EnterNotify & Alt_L, ViewportLeft : Buttonpress = Button1 & !Alt_L } eastedge { rootbindings, ViewportRight : EnterNotify & Alt_L, ViewportRight : buttonpress = button1 & !Alt_L } northedge { rootbindings, ViewportUp : EnterNotify & Alt_L, ViewportUp : buttonpress = button1 & !Alt_L } southedge { rootbindings, ViewportDown : EnterNotify & Alt_L, ViewportDown : buttonpress = button1 & !Alt_L } DEF allMenuWindows { alwaysontopon : MapRequest, #if we right click anywhere in a menu, kill the whole menu (ala blackbox) UnmapTree : ButtonPress = Button3 & !Alt_L, } DEF allMenuItems { allMenuWindows, #when we click on something, do what we expect.. Exec : ButtonRelease = Button1 & !Alt_L, Func : ButtonRelease = Button1 & !Alt_L, #and close the menu UnmapTree : ButtonRelease = Button1 & !Alt_L } menu.title { allMenuWindows, #drag menus when you middle click their title UnLink : ButtonPress = Button2 & !Alt_L, StartMove : ButtonPress = Button2 & !Alt_L, EndMoveResize : ButtonRelease = Button2 & !Alt_L, } menu.item { allMenuItems, #when we hover over a menu item, close other submenus UnmapSubs : EnterNotify, } menu.checkbox { allMenuItems, } menu.sub { allMenuItems, #when we enter a submenu, close other submenus on that level MapSubOnly : EnterNotify }