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Waimea, an X11 window manager

(this page is ancient)

This page is just a general write up about Waimea, usage, installation, features, tips, and opinions. I decided to write this after finding Waimea to be a nearly perfect window manager for my habits. All of the opinions expressed in this paper are mine, and are completely subjective. Disclaimer: Waimea is fairly complex to configure, at least if you want it to work exactly how you want. If you loathe editing text files for long amounts of time, then Waimea may not be for you.

The good

  • Lightweight/non-bloated
  • Sexy look
  • Xft antialiased fonts
  • Blackbox derived image code
  • Transparency support
  • Pixmap theme support
  • Infinitely customizeable
  • Takes a stance of pure configurability, instead of an ideology for a certain style of usage or a specific intended audience
  • Simple, straightforward configuration files, no endless gui configuration programs
  • Excellent manpage
  • It's relatively young, therefore only going to get better :)

The not-quite-as-good

  • Young and somewhat flaky/buggy
  • Many configuration syntax errors will simply cause Waimea to die
  • Other noticeable bugs and 'oddities'
  • Thankfully the bugs and problems that do exist are tolerable and not that big of a deal, and again, the code is young, therefore many of these things will be worked out.
  • Small community, almost no irc presence (#waimea on irc.freenode.net, get in there right now!! :))
  • Not alot of themes (other than ones already made for black/open/fluxbox, which do not take advantage of Waimea's features)
  • The action file syntax, while very good imo, takes a while to totally figure out (especially with regards to menu relationships and whatnot)
  • Interdependancy of some themes and the action file (I like my action file way too much to just change it at a whim, thank you very much)

My habits

Before I started using Waimea, I was using Openbox, and before that, Blackbox, with fairly long periods of Sawfish and pwm usage in there somewhere. I actually tried Waimea not long after it was created (early 2002?), and found it "neat" but didn't see anything special so I moved on. Openbox served me well for a while, but it was missing some things, and I had to hack in some things as far as mouse interaction. I have actually only been using Waimea for at the most two weeks, but in many ways it is similar to black/openbox so I was quickly at home.

The focus model I like to use is sloppy focus, but with a wheel mouse involved. I set Alt+Wheelup to lower windows, and I set Alt+Wheeldown to raise windows, and I also make moving/resizing *not* raise windows. If I had to give this system a name, I'd call it "manual focus", or something like that. I don't like to have to tell new windows where to go with the mouse, and I do like new windows to raise to the top and get focus; this is more of how the click to focus crowd likes things, so I suppose I'm in some strange spot in the middle.

As far as workspaces go, I used to just use anywhere from 5 to 9 workspaces, all in a horizontal line, and use Ctrl+left/right to move between them. After a while I noticed that flipping back and forth between two workspaces that were 2 or 3 apart got kind of tedious, so I thought 2d workspaces would be great (having a grid and being able to go left/right and up/down), and I found that Openbox supported them, but the support was very immature and basically unuseable. With Waimea I use the standard configuration, which is 9 viewports in a 3x3 grid, this is actually what I was trying to achieve in Openbox. I use a number of methods to switch workspaces: Control+left/right/up/down, Control+u/i/o/j/k/l/m/comma/period keys (notice they are in a 3x3 grid on the keyboard), moving the mouse to the edge of the screen while holding Alt, and moving the mouse to the screen edge and scrolling up or down on the mouse wheel. That seems like alot of different ways but they all have their use. Sometimes I will be coding in one workspace and want to go to the Mozilla workspace, So I'll use Control + letter keys to hop to the exact workspaces. Sometimes I'll just want to flip back and forth between two workspaces, so I'll use Control+left/right. Sometimes I'll be surfing the web and using the mouse alot so I'll move over to the screen edge and scroll the mouse wheel to go over a workspace. They all have their uses and i use them all. One other thing that Waimea lets me do that I never did or even could do before, is to 'surf' around the desktop. That is, I have 9 viewports, and I can use Alt+Middle button to "drag" the entire desktop around, windows and all. This is cool, if you want to see things in two workspaces, you can be halfway in one and halfway in the other, or 1/4 in 4 different workspaces, etc. In reality I don't use this all that much but every once in a while I will have a use for it. Plus, it's just damn cool. :) (''please note that in this paragraph, workspaces=workspaces in general, but viewports in Waimea. Waimea has 4 workspaces, each with 9 viewports. I use one workspace with the 9 viewports as my workspaces. I believe this is how people generally use it, but the multiple Waimea workspaces can be put to interesting use, such as running Gnome in one and KDE in the other, or what have you.)''

I don't like toolbars, icons, or anything of that sort. I honestly could even go without the root menu, but it is there and doesn't get in the way so I use it sometimes. Instead of using a windows taskbar-like program such as fspanel, KDE Kicker, or Gnome panel, I just like to lay my windows out visually and take advantage of multiple workspaces, without stacking window over window over window.



Installation is documented here, and linked to prominantly on waimea.org, and covers everything you should need to know to get Waimea installed.

Getting antialiased fonts working

You will need to compile with --enable-xft, as documented, and you will need some truetype fonts, most likely the ones provided by MS. If you are not sure where to find these fonts, search google for msttcorefonts, and download the .cab file and use cabextract to extract it. If you are running Debian, the package msttcorefonts will be helpful. Once you get these fonts installed, you will need to add them to your fontpath in your XF86Config[-4] file. After that you will need to add them to Xft's fontpath in XftConfig (should be in the same directory as XF86Config[-4]). Make sure and add their directory as the first dir statement. Then you will need to cd into the directory where they are, and run mkfontdir, followed by ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale. Restart X and your fonts should be working. Make sure you tell Waimea to use xft fonts with a line such as: *.font: Trebuchet\ MS-9:bold=true [xft]. Xft can be a bitch so don't be surprised if you run into a problem. Keep trying, search google, ask on irc, etc, eventually I promise they will work and you will be glad you put in the effort :) Also check this out.

Getting transparency working

It is documented in the manpage, but I sure didn't see it until after I figured out the hard way, that you have to use Esetroot to set your background. If you use xsetroot, bsetbg, et al, you will have no transparency. Another thing to note is that the *.opacity: statements in your style file are actually backwards from what they appear to be. An opacity of 10 is actually a transparency of 10%. Therefore if you want a window just barely transparent, You would use an opacity of 10 or 20, and if you wanted it very transparent, you would use an opacity of 80, 90, 100, etc.


Everything about styles is documented well in the manpage, study it and look at existing styles, it's pretty simple to pick up.


ACTIONS!!!! This is where the magic starts. Your action file dictates all interaction between Waimea and your mouse/keyboard. Your focus method is here. Your keybindings are here. Your menu behavior is here. Some of the areas of the action file are a bit confusing, namely the menu stuff, but keep reading the man page and you should be able to figure it all out. the DEF's are just groups of actions that can be included in other action statements.

There are the obvious things you will put in your action file, such as your focus model, your keybindings, your workspace switching preferences, etc, but there are also some not so obvious things you can do here. For instance, I like the ability to disable the handlebar via the titlebar menu, as I do not use the handlebar, rather I use Alt+right mouse button. I thought to myself "it would be great if I could just turn the handlebar off by default", but there was no obvious configuration option for this. Enter the action file! Using the Map''Request event, which is the event that happens when a new window asks to be displayed, I assigned the action DecorHandleOff, therefore, when a new window opens, it's handlebar will be switched off immediately! The line looks like this: DecorHandleOff : MapRequest,, and is under DEF defaultallwindows.

There are some other neat things you can do. To execute a shell command, just use curly braces. {xterm} : KeyPress = X & Control_L & Alt_L, would start an xterm when I press Ctrl+Alt+X. Things like this should go under globalKeyBindings. If you want to use your multimedia keys, you can use xmodmap to give them names. Run xev, and press your multimedia keys, and note the keycode for each. Create a file, ~/.xmodmap, and put a statement for each key on a line, in the format of keycode 123 = XF86Foobar, where Foobar is a valid key name. You can find a list of valid key names under /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/inet (or at least that's where it is for me). Now run xmodmap ~/.xmodmap, and these keys will be mapped. You will have to run xmodmap again every X session, so you will most likely want to put the command in .xinitrc. Now you can refer to these keys by their names in your action file. For instance I have the line: {xmms --fwd} : KeyPress = XF86Forward & !Control_L & !Alt_L,, and the line {xset dpms force standby} : KeyPress = XF86Sleep & !Control_L & !Alt_L,.

The viewport 'surfing' I talked about is accomplished by this: StartViewportMove : ButtonPress = Button2 & Alt_L,. Remember for every move/resize event, you need an EndMoveResize event, like this: EndMoveResize : ButtonRelease = Button2 & MoveResizeMask,.

The manual wheel focus is accomplished by this: Raise : ButtonPress = Button5 & Alt_L, Lower : ButtonPress = Button4 & Alt_L,.

Another cool thing I have, which I first did in Sawfish (btw Sawfish also has excellent bindings), is that I can double click the root window, and get an xterm: {xterm} : DoubleClick = Button1 & !Alt_L,

I was sometimes annoyed that I could accidentally switch to another workspace by going too close to the edge, and I don't like a time delay, and didn't want to make it too inconvient to go over to the next workspace should I choose, so I just made it so that I could wheel scroll up or down when touching the screen edge, and it flips to that workspace: ViewPortLeft : Buttonpress = Button4 & !Alt_L, and copy another with Button5. Put these in the north/south/east/westedge sections.

I prefer my menus to work how they do in black/open/fluxbox, that is, disappear when I right click in any part of them. The default for Waimea is to only do this if you right click the title. Put this under DEF allMenuWindows: UnmapTree : ButtonRelease = Button3,.

One last note about actions, if you are having what seems to be a bug or problem, it would probably be solved by explicitly stating the on/off states of Control_L and Alt_L. If you have an action set to K & Alt_L, and press Control_L on accident, it could act strange. So if in doubt, always include the state of all modifier keys.

look here for some action files of mine


Well, I hope this has helped out someone. I really think Waimea is something special and deserves more attention, and that is mostly why I wrote this, was to get more material out there and help spread the word, and make Waimea more accessible. If there is any other questions you have, drop by #waimea on the freenode irc network (irc.freenode.net), or the forums at waimea's sourceforge page. I will likely be adding to this page as I think of things to add, and/or people mention things to add.


Feel free to link to this page, or any of the following pages, in fact it is encouraged :)

Nick Welch <nick@incise.org> · github